Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eli's Olympic 9th Birthday Party

This years birthday theme was the Winter Olympics.

Eli lit the "torch" with the procession of kids following him.

Lots of countries from all over the world were represented. Even some that don't have snow!

Joe with Luis, Paul, Maria and Lina helping out with the barbecue.

Kaden and Liam getting down in the dance competition where Astrid, Sebasthian and Sophia were the "idol" judges.
All the kids rush to get their "mummies" wrapped first.
Kade was the first to wrap Liam from head to toe in TP!

Kaden the big medal winner poses proudly with Uncle Guy!

Grandma Kia and her clever centerpieces.

The kids played water balloon toss..then water balloon fight.

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