Sunday, October 3, 2010

Santa Cruz

Casey and Eli didn't waste any time breaking out the Legos!

Our day didn't start out with the sun but in the afternoon it came out! Wow!

Eli and Casey body surfing and boogie boarding

Hannah, Jayne, Eli and Casey enjoying the frigid water! Hard to see in this picture but there is a black spot behind the kids that is a seal checking them out!

Gotta love that morning fog!

The whole gang heading out to the tide pools

Joe and Eli touch a starfish.

Casey and Eli try to catch a crab (well Casey anyway...)

Eli with his Dad.

The Gouveia's and our gracious hosts the Savadkohi's.

After the sun came out again.

Shawn finally caught one ticked off crab.

Beautiful tide pools.

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